Abstracts of the Joint Conference of the East and Southern African Region of Commonwealth Veterinary Association and the 5th Pan African Veterinary Association Congress (1993)
Conference, Pan-African, Congress, ScienceAbstract
In 1993, the Tanzania Veterinary Association was offered the opportunity to host the joint conference of the East and Southern African Region of Commonwealth Veterinary Association and the 5th Pan African Veterinary Association congress. This joint conference was held concurrently with the11th Tanzania Veterinary Association annual scientific conference at the magnificent Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) in the northern Tanzanian city of Arusha. The congress was composed of two themes and four subthemes. For the four subthemes papers were presented in two sessions running concurrently covering 8 - 12 papers. In the two main themes longer and detailed policy papers were presented in plenary sessions. Two papers of one hour each were presented by distinguished scientists as key papers to the four subthemes.
The topics for the plenary papers were: The impact of livestock husbandry systems on the environment and Science and technology for sustainable livestock development in Africa for the 21st century. The full papers of these will be published in the proceedings of this joint conference. The four subthemes that composed the panel discussions in two concurrent sessions were; Nutrition as a constraint to livestock production in Africa, The impact of diseases on livestock development in Africa, The role of private veterinary practice in enhancing livestock productivity, and Improving animal health and productivity at village level.
We were very pleased with both the quantity and the quality of abstracts submitted and tried to select the papers for presentation on the basis of quality and relevance for the themes. The congress was very well attended. The abstracts of papers selected for presentation are published in this issue of the journal as a supplementary in order to give them a quicker release with widest possible dissemination and audience. All the abstracts give valuable information to the African livestock sector. Readers will enjoy reading them in order to keep up with the current animal issues in Africa.
Gabriel Mbassa
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