Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS: Prepare the Ms word text to be pasted in the appropriate form field and the abstract text file for upload during the submission process.
- All Abstracts for full paper and Book of Abstracts, should not exceeds 250 words limit, must include 3 to 5 key words, Authors and affiliations, and E-mail of the lead author
- FULL PAPER: Make sure that the submission has not been previously published, and is not currently being considered by another journal for publication. Submission process will follow all steps for full paper submission
- FULL PAPER: The text in is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; structure and styles adheres to the guidelines; Figures and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- FULL PAPER: The text adheres strictly to the bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines
- I confirm that all authors listed in the abstract/manuscript have contributed to the work, have seen, reviewed and approved the submission
Author Guidelines
Interested in submitting a full conference paper?. We recommend that you review the About the Journal section for Tanzania Veterinary Journal special page for TVA conference as well as About Tanzania Veterinary Journal for the journal's section policies and the Author Guidelines described below. Authors need to register here prior to submitting any Abstract or conference paper or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the submission process.
Please note that currentlly we only publishes papers presented in Tanzania Veterinary Association Annual Scientific Conferences.
Preparation of manuscripts
Manuscripts should be in grammatically correct and consistent using either United Kingdom (UK) or United States (US) English. Manuscripts submission must be in MS word format. All pages of the manuscript should be numbered, double-spaced with font 12 of Times New Romans and line numbered. Table pages and figure captions should also be double-spaced. All acronyms (abbreviations) used must be spelled out in the first instance followed immediately by the acronym in parenthesis. Subsequent references to the relevant subject may be satisfied by use of the acronym alone.
Regular article
Assemble the manuscript in the following order: Title Page, Summary, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables and Figure Legends. Subtitles may be used within sections. The total number of words in the whole manuscript should be between 2500 and 5000 excluding Tables, Figures, and References.
Title page
The Title Page should include the authors' initials of first and any other names followed by surnames, and affiliations, a running title of fewer than 60 characters and spaces, the name of the corresponding author along with email information. Emails of co-uthors should not be included in the title page but must be supplied during online submission
Summary (Abstract)
Summary should be unstructured, one paragraph in length and include background and aim or hypothesis tested, experimental approaches used, main findings and major conclusions. Literature is not cited, and figures and tables are not called out or presented. It should not exceed 250 words. It must be factual and comprehensive. General statements (e.g. "the significance of the results is discussed") should be avoided. List five to seven key words.
Introduction should provide sufficient background information to make the paper understandable to colleagues from a broad range of biological disciplines. It should provide adequate literature with relevant citations.
Material and Methods
Material and Methods should include a detailed description of the experimental or analytical design, methodologies and techniques including clear statements of both dependent and independent variables. The section should be complete enough to allow experiments to be reproduced. References to previously published methods should be used where possible. Methods in general use need not be described in detail.
Results should carefully describe the data and any experimental limitations. Wherever possible, data should be presented in form of Tables and Figures and these should abide to Tables and Figures format described elsewhere in this document. Detailed interpretation of data should not be included in the Results but should be put into the Discussion section. The number of Tables and Figures should not be more than 5.
In Discussion section, results should be discussed concisely and adequate literature citation relevant to the subject of discussion should be provided. A conclusion of the study should be provided at the end of the discussion.
The Acknowledgment should include all sources of financial support for the research reported. Remove # or No. before grant numbers. The word "acknowledgment" should be made singular or plural depending on how many entities are thanked.
Conflict of interest
Authors should include a declaration statement regarding conflict of interest during submission process. In case there is no conflict of interest, authors can include a statement: "Authors do not have any conflict of interest"
Reviews must be invited by the Editor prior to preparation and submission.
Short communications
Short communications like case reports are limited to a maximum of three Figures and one Table. They should present a complete study that is more limited in scope than is found in full-length papers. They are not designed for presentation of preliminary or fragmentary data. The items of manuscript preparation listed above apply to Short Communications with the following differences: (1) Summary is limited to 200 words; (2) instead of a separate Materials and Methods section, experimental procedures should be incorporated into Figure Legends and Table footnotes; (3) Results and Discussion are combined into a single section.
References should be cited in the text by author’s name and date. Use the first author and et al if there are more than two authors. Arrange multiple references appearing in the same in- text citation from earliest to most recent. To distinguish more than one reference by the same author(s) in one year, use letters such as 2007a, 2007b. The final reference list should be alphabetized and contain only articles published or accepted for publication. An author alone precedes an author with coauthors. When there are more than 8 authors, use et al after listing the first three names. Journal title abbreviations should follow those used in Index Medicus or Serial Sources for the Biosis Data Base. An example of the correct form of intext citations using two references is; Mbassa et al., 2003; Shirima and Kambarage, 2005.
The listings in the References would be:
Journal article, up to 8 authors
Mdegela RH, Tiringa P, Ngowi HA, Kazwala RR, Mtambo MMA. Prevalence of ectoparasites in domestic and feral cats in Morogoro municipality and Serengeti district in Tanzania. Tanz Vet J 22: 125-131, 2005.
Journal article, more than 8 authors
Mbassa GK, Singine EK, Pereka AE, et al. Differential features of erythrocytes of African free ranging chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) and the greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) of Lake Manyara National Park. Tanz Vet J 22: 102-111, 2005.
Article in a book
Mwakitumbi SM, Ramadhan Y, Makale JJ. Interactions Maasai cattle and wildebeests of Ngorongoro. In: The Epidemiology of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Tanzania, ed Shoo AJ, Mushi KL, Aloo HJ. Mzumbe Book Project, Morogoro, 2001.
Shoo AJ, Mushi KL, Aloo HJ. The Epidemiology of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Tanzania. Mzumbe Book Project, Morogoro, 2001.
Total number of references for original article should not exceed 50
Download Reference formatting sample paper
EndNote users can download the TVJ reference output style here. Follow instructions to add new style in your endnote output styles folder or elsewhere. However authors will be requred to customize journal abbreviations/term lists by following instructions available at endnote support page
Users of Mendeley desktop can download Tanzania Veterinary Journal reference output styles inside the application. Download and read the guide describing how to install the style. Optionally, you can also download and install custom Journal Abbreviations list (text file) by following the guide above
Tables should be put on separate pages. A Table in the text should not exceed the printed area of one page. A Table should be understandable without reading the text of the manuscript. Double-space Tables on separate sheets. Do not use vertical lines and label each Table on the top with an Arabic numeral and bold (e.g. Table 1) full stop and followed by a title (not bolded). Place units of measurement at the heads of the columns and place explanatory material and footnotes below the table.
Figures and figure legends
A Figure in the text should not exceed the printed area of one page. Use Arabic numerals (bolded) to designate Figures and upper case letters for their parts (e.g. Figure 1A). Begin each legend with a title (not bolded) and include sufficient description so that the Figure is understandable without the need to go back to the main text of the manuscript.
Electronic artworks
We accept line art, halftones and colour Figures electronically. You should consult the Editor on Figure-sizing specifications prior to electronic file submission. The digital Figures should be the final size desired, and all mounting should be done electronically. The editorial office may also require proofs of the images to approve prior to submitting the files for printing. Halftone and colour images should be scanned at a minimum of 300 pixels per inch (ppi). Line art should be scanned at 1200 ppi. We accept TIFF, JPEG, EPS and Illustrator (.ai) formats.
Digital photography
If you will be using a digital camera to capture images for print production, you must use the highest resolution setting option with the least amount of compression. Digital camera manufacturers use many different terms and file formats when capturing high- resolution images, so please refer to your camera's manual for more information.
Large files should be compressed and sent as one file if possible. Please contact the editorial office to discuss what elements they will need for the review process and for manuscript submission.
Ethical approval
Manuscripts reporting data from research conducted on humans, animals, organs or tissues collected from human and animals must include a statement in the methods section of the manuscript reading that a written approval was obtained from the institution where the research was conducted and where applicable the editor may request approval reference number.Authors are encouraged to consult ARRIVE guidlines when preparing their research and manuscript. Information on ethical related issues should be included at appropriate section of materials and methods describing animals and or human subject and not as a separate section.
Submission of Manuscripts
Submit your manuscript online and the submitted manuscript must be accompanied with submission form. If the manuscript contains reproduced materials from other publishers, a written permission to reproduce borrowed material must be obtained from the original publishers and authors and submitted together with the manuscript. In the manuscript, borrowed material should be acknowledged in the captions in this style ‘Reproduced by the kind permission of (publishers) from (reference)’.
Accepted Manuscripts and copyright transfer
Accepted manuscripts will be sent to the authors for minor corrections and proof reading and should be returned within 3 days of receipt. If the manuscript is accepted and published, the copyright of the material is explicitly transferred from author(s) to the Journal. However, no limitation will be put on the authors' personal freedom to use material contained in the paper without requesting permission, provided acknowledgement is made to the Journal as the original source of publication and that the manuscript is not deposited in public domain (see self archiving policy for details).
Access to published articles
Published articles will be available online through subscription or single article purchase at the respective links at Tanzania Veterinary Journal Home page or through partner websites. Readers from low income countries may be eligible to get a limited number of articles per month through AJOL Register here or visit AJOL home page for the latest information on this offer. Full issue containing all articles can be requested from the Editor or aquired via authorised TVJ partners.
Self archiving policy
This journal does not permits authors to post items submitted to Tanzania Veterinary Journal on personal websites or institutional repositories both prior to and after publication without written permission from Tanzania Veterinary Journal. In case permission is granted, bibliographic details that credit, if applicable, its publication in this journal must be clearly displayed.
Until otherwise indicated, Tanzania Veterinary Journal (The Tropical Veterinarian) does not charge article processing fee or publication fee.
Request for re-print(s) can be sent to the Editor or Circulation Manager. The cost will include basic production costs and postage.
Retractions and errata
Read more on Tanzania Veterinary Journal policy on errata and retractions
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.