TVA Scienfic Conference  is an annual event held every year.

The latest event was on 27-29th  November and was held at Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC). The Conference was the 37th since 1983 and was co-organised in collaboration with the Prime Ministers Office, One Health Coordination Desk.

The main Theme was: "Deepening Multi-sectoral and Multi-disciplinary Collaboration for the Optimised Health of Mankind, Animals and Other Resources people rely upon"

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The upcoming 38th TVA Scientific Conference will take place at Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) from 10-12th December 2020.

Visit this page, Conference Announcement  or register for updates for updates on future call and submission of Abstract and other Conference information


Tanzania Veterinary Association Conference proceedings papers are published by Tanzania Veterinary Journal (TVJ)  in a dedicated issue (special issue of TVA proceedings). All conference papers will undergo regular editorial and peer review and if do not meet the minimum standard of TVJ will be returned to the author before or after review.

The Volume number usually corresponds with the serial number of TVA Scientific Conference.